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Where to find good short-term property for rent in Iceland?

Even expatriates are looking for short-term property for rent waiting to be able to find good long-period property in an optimal area and at a more affordable price. If you are interested in finding very nice, large and modestly priced properties for rent, you can choose Akureyri, a small town in northern Iceland.

Can I buy a property in Iceland?

For those with no intention of residing in Iceland, it is still possible to purchase a property if they seek special permission from the Ministry of Justice. However, it is highly recommended that a prospective buyer spends some time in Iceland to become acquainted with the Icelandic real estate market.

How many vacation rentals are there in Iceland?

There are currently 11,088 vacation rentals from 5 different providers in Iceland. What are the most popular amenities for vacation rentals in Iceland? The most popular amenities for vacation home rentals in Iceland include accommodations that have: Internet, Pool, and Hot tub.

What type of houses were built in Iceland?

From the Age of Settlement up until the turn of the 20th Century, turf houses dominated Icelandic housing design. These abodes were, in essence, timber houses, methodologically based upon the longhouse designs of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and the Scottish Isles, but adjusted to specific Icelandic conditions.

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